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A diet by Gymbo & Me


You will receive your menu and all the recipes to prepare delicious dishes in a very simple way

What has the situation been like so far?

We all know how hard it can be to carry out most conventional diets and how boring many of the proposed foods or dishes can be.

This, alongside the lack of clear directions in many cases, frequently leads us to quit the diet or, due to generalization and lack of personalization,  we aren't able to achieve our aimed results. Not to mention the many crash diets, meaning even a bigger sacrifice, that usually end up with the dreadful rebound effect


Little sauces that will change everything

We'll teach you how to prepare them all.

What's our proposal?


We would like to teach you how to have a varied diet based on your energetic needs, introducing new nutritional habits to eat in a balanced way on a daily basis, reaching your goals and, at the same time, enjoying each and every food you have.

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Every week you will receive your shopping list to make it much easier for you to organize yourself.

We'll be by your side from beginning to end


And this makes one of the big differences compared with other dietetic plans. We will accompany you from the beginning and provide you with all the tools you need so that each part of the process becomes simple and enjoyable. You will receive your shopping list, the weekly menu and much more.

Find out how it works in 3 easy steps
Design of your Plan

After subscribing, we will carry out a study based on your habits and needs, focusing on your personal goals.

Shopping list

Every Friday we will send you your shopping list so that you know exactly what food and quantities to buy  to make up your weekly menu.

Weekly menu

You will receive your weekly menu including easy recipes which, however, are as delicious as gourmet dishes.

Convenient, easy and delicious!


As you can see, we are proposing you a completely tailored plan in which we are also going to provide you every week with the list of products you need to buy to make up your menu. We'll tell you  the exact quantities so that you won't have any lefties and will be able to save as much as possible. The recipes in your menu will teach you how to cook delicious dishes in a way that, even if there are recurring foods, you won't prepare them the same way every time, which will prevent from boredom. And without worrying about complicated elaborations or elaborations that need high cooking skills because the recipes are really easy.

You will receive, as well,  tips in short videos to work out all the areas of your body, stretching exercices, tips and/or tutorials about postural correction which will be very useful for your every day life.  



Carrer del Tennis 28

08870 Sitges (Barcelona).

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